Members of the 2003 UTA Jazz Orchestra

Thank you, Snodgrass

Fuck. Snodgrass passed away this morning. It was 2003. I was a junior at UTA, working towards a business degree in information systems, putting in 25-30 hours a week at UPS in Mesquite to pay for school, and spending a good amount of time in the music building for music performance and jazz theory just because I loved it. It was there, particularly my time with the group pictured here, that I enjoyed the most....

April 4, 2023 · 2 min · Justin Langhorst
Lake Grapevine

Life. Rambling. Coaching.

I started running again recently. After taking a solid eight month break after successfully running my first 100 miler last November I no longer felt great in my body. And I felt my thought patterns sliding back into a time in my twenties where I was surviving through life rather than fully living. No thank you. I don’t care much about surviving by itself. That shit is soul-suckingly boring. Life is for the living....

July 19, 2022 · 3 min · Justin Langhorst
Moon against a night sky

Running Thoughts

Out the door at 9:22pm. Short running shorts. Black socks. Black shoes. Garmin. It’s nice out. The heat and humidity have been oppressive for several days, so this is a huge relief. What a perfect time to run. A few minutes into the night and away from a neighborhood full of trees, the sky is in full view. The landscape is full of spirited clouds with a backdrop of vivid yet dulling pastels....

July 30, 2020 · 5 min · Justin Langhorst


I’ve been very happy lately. It’s not all that often that I’m actually in a bad mood, but lately, I’ve been in a really good one. Tonight, after a 12-14 hour work day, I jumped in my car, let the front windows down, threw in Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (Wilco), turned up the volume, and couldn’t stop smiling. I’m not sure if it was just the music or if it was a combination of that, the nice breeze of cool air, and the fact that I was practically done for the day....

June 6, 2006 · 2 min · Justin Langhorst

Spelling Test: E and C

Somewhere between third and fifth grade, I took a particular spelling test in which there was a relatively short word that contained the letter “e.” My writing of a lowercase “e” often looks like a “c” as I do not give it the care that it much deserves (more on this, never). After we had exchanged papers and finished the grading, the girl who graded mine had a question about this particular word containing the lowercase “e....

September 3, 2004 · 2 min · Justin Langhorst